Last November I did some sketches during a boring meeting. To one of the drawings I was especially atracted to. I knew this would be a quilt. But I had to postpone my ideas till February after passing some further job education.
The quilt to be was to be the present for the 80th Birthday of my mother-in-law.

So I layed out a background fabric in a light green I new she liked an added a few leftover stripes in similar or contrating colors.

After a few days I started to piece little log cabin like blocks, layed them out. Then I enlarged the sketch to the original size and copied it on freezerpaper to know the size needed for the little blocks.
Some of the blocks I sewes together rightaway. Others I moved back and fore, some I threw out. When the three pieced sections where done I did not like the background fabric any more. After searching in my stash I could not find the "right" green. But I found one in our tiny quilt shop in town.

I then cut the background along the freezerpaper. Finished piecing the top and prepared the quilt sandwich. Fixed the layers with invisible thread and started handquilting. First I drew a few wavy lines with taylor's chalk on the top and quilted it with handdayed "pearl yarn" from Melody Johnson, which I had saved for years and never dared to use! I added sleeves on top and bottom and the label with a picture of Annelies, my mother-in-law.

Voilà. Flow #1.
I liked the sketch and the piecing on the little blocks so much, it led to many new ideas.